Motivation for success

July 13, 2009

Who does not want success. It is really not an easy thing. A lot of effort needs to be devoted. Obstacles come and go in the path to success. True success completes your life. In such a situation, goals are your guiding lights while motivation is your gas level.

Motivation is, you naturally want to do your tasks. Positive motivation self improves your quality, while bad motivations may push you into crimes. If you are motivated, you like to do something so it’s much easier for you to do it. You don’t need other people to push you.

Motivation helps you keep doing what you need to do. Even if you can get yourself started, there are a lot of obstacles along the way that could stop you. Without motivation, it’s easy to give up when you meet those obstacles. You need motivation to keep moving forward when the situation is difficult.

As you can see, motivation is important for success. You need motivation at the beginning, at the middle, and at the end of your way to success. In fact, motivation can make the difference between being a winner and a loser in life.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to figure out exactly what success means to you. Many times people will work hard to achieve something they thought was success only to feel empty once they achieved it.

Focus on what will make you happy. Realize that what we really want in life isn’t anything material. What we all really want in life are feelings. If success to you means becoming a millionaire for example, you must ask yourself why you want to be a millionaire. Power? Respect? Freedom?

Realize that everything we do, we do to get a certain feeling. It could be freedom, love, connection, power, etc. Think about your goals and what you want to achieve and more importantly, why you want to achieve them. If your answer isn’t an emotionally based one, you need to dig deeper and find out the true reason. If you find that it’s anything other than what you truly want, that certain feeling, you will need to rethink your goals.

So, at this point, ask yourself, what does success truly mean to you? Becoming a millionaire? Owning a yacht? Doing what you love? Having the ability to spend time with your kids? Having the perfect body?

The answer to this question will be different for each person and the key to success and happiness can only be found in your own hand.

Wish you much success in life…

What is the single most important thing that brings success. From I Know , success is a combination and integration of multiple things. But , what the key that triggers all other things?

Success comes from belief and belief is the mother of expectation. Even notice how some people consistently run into roadblocks, barriers and walls? These people will go on about how all the opportunities are gone and how the world is so unfair and how the government should level the playing field and on and on and on…

Then there are people who consistently go out and simply get things done. For the most part, they’re positive and don’t dwell on failure because to them, there is no failure, only learning.

Both of these types harvest results according to their expectations, beliefs and attitudes. And it all begins with their thinking.

Some would say that we’re wired a certain way and that we can’t change who we are. And that simply isn’t accurate. It’s true that if a person comes from a positive and nurturing environment it’s probably easier to be positive in his or her daily activities and reap the benefits of their positive attitude. But what about those who came from dysfunctional environments? Do they even have a chance? Of course.

But first they must recognize that their thoughts create their reality. Then they must want to change that reality. Finally, they must take action to change it.

They might start with their self talk. People who are successful engage themselves in positive dialog most of the time. People who manage to find little more than obstacles in life, either consciously or unconsciously, are consistently telling themselves, in a number of non-nurturing ways, I can’t, it won’t, it never will, etc.

The key to change is to recognize these patterns and immediately stop the pattern once recognized. Some wear a loose rubber band around one wrist. When they notice a non-productive thought, they snap the band to the underside of the wrist (where is really smarts) and interrupt the thought. This helps to break the pattern. After a while the brain realizes that non-productive thoughts are uncomfortable. Easy, huh?

But that’s not enough. Stopping the non-productive thinking is only half the challenge. They then have to fill the void where the untoward thoughts once lived. This is where they can repeat a positive affirmation. A good start would be to simply say, “I am worthy, I am successful, I am love, I am abundance.” These are all good starts.

Face your new week with vigor

November 23, 2008

Another new working week is beginning soon and people may be grumbling why weekend passes so speedily and we have to go back to the office to face grouchy faces of the bosses or getting that important business report done. Deep inside us, we are unwilling.

Does heading to work on Monday morning getting you down? I think in this trying times, we should be blessed when we are still in a job because many bigger corporations are reportedly trying to slim down their manpower. This is what our new government next Jan is promising to work on. To reinvigorate our economy so that we can be strong again.

For this moment, if you are facing difficulty motivating yourself in work, try spending some times in the morning, eg, during traveling times, to remind yourself of all the appreciative parts of the job you are holding now. It doesn’t matter high highly or lowly the job you have. For this time, ignore the daily, in your face stress and tell yourself how wonderful it is to get that paycheck and how many things you are learning about yourself and others. I believe that showing gratitude will lead you to greater things later in life. I believe in equality of this Universe for everyone.

So from this mood of gratitude, firmly focus and visualize your Monday. How you want it to go. Be positive about it. Complete it with a big smile and a big pat from your boss for a job well done. Visualization is important in this part, for it concerns your success and failure. Great sportsmen forever use this technique to outline the successes they want. So learn from them. It’s a proven way to go if you want personal success.

Don’t let your knowledge of past difficulties get in your way. Just play with knowing things are as great as you can imagine. Then watch what happens.

There can be another way…

September 29, 2008

It can be another way.

I don’t think you came into this world to work day and night for small wages, to suffer ill health, and to be lonely. I don’t think you came here to lose, over and over again.

I think you came here because you have a dream.

And this dream represents the best version of you.

All around you are people fulfilling their dreams, but their numbers are small. It’s hard to meet them and draw inspiration from them.

Instead you are surrounded by those who do not have time for dreams and who are silent about what is buried in their hearts. They are afraid to speak and to know themselves.

And yet somehow-you know it can be another way.

Listen, here is what you must do.

First, you must craft a vision. It is your template for success.

Then you must educate yourself and learn what the new thing requires of you. You must study and practice in the still, small hours of the morning. You must persist past your own self-doubts and fatigue.

And this vision has to be planted upon the ground of your old reality, for the world will not move aside while you struggle to create anew.

You have to take your subconscious mind aside as you whisper to it the new version of you. It will resist. It likes the old. It likes the familiar. But if you persist, the inertia, the procrastination, the sudden, low moods with which it guards the old paradigm will begin to weaken and your messages of hope will take root in fertile soil.

Slowly, imperceptibly, things will change. Each day as you invent yourself anew while laboring with the old, you will move forward.

And one day, despite the outer and inner critics, you will prevail.

You will look upon riches and a life of ease, robust health, and an enduring relationship based on mutual affection and respect. You will do work that helps the world. You will act in a way that is pleasing to your soul.

Create a vision. Hold on to it. Study and practice. Overcome your hesitations. Things will change.

It can be another way.

My definition of SUCCESS

September 9, 2008

People normally associate success with lots of fame, wealth and power. If this is the case, then 90% of the people on earth would be disqualified instantly. But the truth is that I think success is really subjective.

As no one is perfect and knows all in everything, it is important that we take to the tasks in front with our very best. So to me, success happens to me when I know I have done to the best of my capability, with no sense of guilty feeling, within the constraints and knowledge at my side. That is success to me. It does not have to be defined by how much wealth you make.

For example, I have achieved several successes in my life! Like learning how to swim freestyle after overcoming the fear of water at age 18, getting my degree at age 24, saving my first 100K by age 29 and scaling a 12,000ft mountain two years ago! These are series of successes each and everyone of us can measure and relate too. Now don’t you feel your life is fuller now? So as you can see, successes come to everyone when we put in right amount of effort. Only the scales of success are different to people.

Yes, personal effort and sacrifices need to be put in. To get a degree, you need to put in some time to understand the subject, to break the record for 1,500m run, you need to train hard, and to serve up a delicious Italian meal, you need lots of experimentations plus practices. Most importantly though, one must have the right thinking that one can do it. That is the prerequisite to success. That never give up spirit.

The exciting thing about the human potential is that we can all continue to learn to be better in our chosen activities. This allows us all to achieve increasing levels of success as our thinking improves and our actions help us go beyond original targets and set higher ones.

I am writing this post so that it can serve as an inspiration to those who may be struggling in life and view the world as a giant merciless machines ready to gobble them up. Yes I have experienced that lowest point in life but I pick myself up! Treat every new day as a bonus to yourself.

Perform to our best efforts, we can be sure that we can achieve the success we have defined for ourselves.

maria duval says we need to live a life of purposePurpose. This is a word that makes people sit down and think when you see it printed in some motivational posters or books. Individually, each of us lives with many sets of purposes in one’s mind. The most common purpose is of course we need to survive each day and that is the main purpose of living at the most basic level. But in order to improve quality of life, we need to set ourselves more precise purposes.

Those who live thinking they do not have have a purpose in life really have to look into their lives intently and ask serious questions about themselves. Beyond the main purpose of living through each day, many people do waste their precious times without a real purpose. Somehow, I’m guilty of this too. So, is there something to look forward to today?

Each of us have some talents. It is up to us to make full use of them and bring us further up. Obstacles come and go in life too and too often we aren’t strong enough to recover fully after facing some obstacles. But our talents, and Soul are always with us, no matter what’s the situation, so ask your Soul for guidance and direction each time you are down and losing your purpose in life. Your talents will then take you from there. I believe this is what separating the strongs and the weaks.

Maria Duval says rightfully we should search our hearts and find our passion and purpose in life. Together with positive attitude and spiritual guidance, we will achieve something successful in life. It’s just that desire and ignite that spark.

Having a strong purpose is a compelling reason that creates an urgency in you that separates you from the rest. Purpose also allows you to live with a sense of passion! You will be truly alive!

Be renewed! Have new purposes to live!

I like to write about positive attitude – especially so I’m feeling sort of dejected and self doubts begin to creep in. Blogging here is my cure to overcome such feeling. I find I can find positive energy through this method, hence the title of this blog.

Think of it, do you wish to be in a company of positive or negative people? Positive people radiate self-assurance, confidence and sureness while negative people make you feel jittery through their mindless banter. I’m not talking about cautiousness. It’s good to have cautiousness, just that some people are just simply spreading fear, assumptions and jitter around. This is what I mean by negative people.

Having an optimistic mental state is a fundamental ingredient for attaining success in every aspect of your life. Your disposition destines how you approach your life and is reflected in your career, business ventures, sporting accomplishments and relationships.

That’s why winners have the firm desire in them to achieve what they aim for and they push for that aim with self conditioning together with lots of right thinking that it can be done. That provides the basic impetus to drive them forward. Do not believe? Just go to any bookstore and pick up a book that writes about winners and successful people and you’ll know!

A positive attitude promotes an idealistic outlook on life. You will feel more cheerful, healthier and more energetic. Often when people have a negative attitude they become consummately centered on their problems and are unable to see the opportunities that are staring them in the face. Once you educate your mind to automatically adopt a positive attitude your difficulties will not be as momentous and you will be able to handle them with ease.