Life on autopilot

January 5, 2009

After going through so much, I can only think back and tell myself, do not let life get too much into you. One should never have fear about the will to live.

Don’t you look back in amazement, it is now 2009! It just seems like yesterday was the turn of the century, when the “millenium bug” was the major topic everywhere in the world. As i wrote this, the temperature here was freezing in thirties or below. It looks cold and barren everywhere.

Now is always the time people are making resolutions but how many actually follow what they have planned. The few days before New Year was the time reflection as we looked back on the accomplishments of the past year and look forward to a new year. It’s also a time to reflect on our lives and ensure that we are living the life we want.

Being moral souls, its always too simple to be content with where we are. If you have good job that pays comfortably, and have a harmonious family, clearly you are well on your way to success. But the real question is, are you happy with what you are doing? I feel that as we enter a new year it is important to take a step back and make sure that the path you are on is the right path for you.

Generally we are all on autopilot mode.You see life has a way of just happening to people. Your first job tends to be the job that you were first offered, in an industry that may or may not really interest you, doing what you may or may not have a real talent in.

Your career then tends to grow from there. You get promoted or change companies, but tend to stay with what you are familiar with and what you have done in the past.

Months turn into years and at some point in time you find that you are on a career path that you never really intended to be on at all. It may be a great, wonderful career path doing all of the things that are important to you, or it may be a path where you have had some successes, but don’t find inspiring.

While you are feeling contented, deep inside, you are not too happy with yourself either, especially when you see your fellow college mates doing better than you. Maria Duval says we should live a life of purpose. That is very true.

So now as you are working on your new year plans, identify your core values, identify what is important to you in life and in your career. Figure out were you want to be in 10 years and make sure your current path will take you there.

In the end, whatever it is, make sure that you control your life and that your life does not just happen to you.

Mission Statement

December 28, 2008

Post ChristmasHope you have a great Christmas!

Today I have written my “mission statement”, or life purpose, which whatever you may want to call it. Yes, this is a bold stance on my part because I have never wanted to commit anything, so I was like awed and wow of myself.

Still I got some limiting beliefs about it, so does that mean it really isn’t something I want to have in life? Am I being too committed?

A niggling thought: how will I live it now? What changes do I have to make in life? Do I have to be holy?

On the other hand, I feel peace and it truly feels like a Divine Inspiration flowing THROUGH me.

It is just not at all what I expected. It isn’t where I thought I wanted to go, yet it makes perfect sense. But, I still have those doubts… mainly “Why me?” Like it is much too grand and I was just looking for some small role.

A great poem about this topic:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
Won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone,
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
Give other people permission to do the same.

-Marianne Williamson

A powerful gesture

November 12, 2008

Forgiveness is a very powerful gesture.

When we were young and we made a mistake, parents would told us to offer a sincere apology to our little friend. We would happily say we are sorry and ask to be forgiven. In the end, my junior school friend duly accepted and forgave me. We were friends again, and one of them is still my friend today.

Yes we should duly forgive if we can. Let’s not build up years of acrimony by hating your nemesis for as long as you want. Because you are hurting yourself deep inside.

When we do this, we are able to bear witness to the miraculous life and power that we give to our own being.

You will suddenly come to realize that what you first thought you had a good understanding about is more involved than you first thought. As you put the concepts into action you will see many miraculous changes in your health and life and especially in your awareness of the universe and your spiritual self.

The miracles that will be entering your life will reward you, but you will have to try and come to terms with these as well and put them in proper perspective. You will find that your struggle to understand will eventually yield to acceptance and a more passive understanding at a highly spiritual level….

Wonder why it happens

November 4, 2008

You can say I am an introspective person. I always wondered why things happen that way. Was it pre-destined. Friends say I have a Buddhist outlook towards life.

Yesterday I was sicked. Pre election blues? Maybe.

I actually had diarrhea (how to spell?) and stomach cramps. It was quite bad and I had to be on medical leave and resting at home. As I thought while sneezing it off, I concluded that this ailment was all due to my own doing. I had eaten quite a lot of junk food last few days and somehow the body reacted.

Then when I was resting at home, my plight made me thought of those chronic illness sufferers. Those bed stricken souls in hospital struggling for a breath. I thought, what incident had made them suffer this kind of major illnesses? Did they treat their body with care? Did they lead a healthy lifestyle?

From this, the thought led to others, like poverty and affairs of the world. Every affair that happens today is due to the choices we selected years ago. Yes, we are responsible to the future and maybe even the world to those influential people.

There is a thought behind everything we do. There is a motivation for that. Be careful how you think as your life is shaped by your thoughts.

The mind is where seeds are planted. What comes out of your mind depends on the kind of seeds you have planted earlier. So watch carefully what kind of seeds are planted silently into your mind. Be always conscious of what is happening around.

The Creative Force in Life

October 8, 2008

Ever come to light that in nature, all plants, trees, living things and organisms will flourish, and in abundance too, when the season of abundance is there. There is no worry of this particular species of animal ever go without food to survive. Don’t you think this is very special?

The Creative Force in Life

Maria Duval says in terms of spirituality, we human beings too, do not have to worry about not having means to survive. We are part of the living fraternity too! Any person can benefit from the abundance of the creative force in life, the quantum soup from which all life arises. If there is an absence of this abundance, then something has gone awry, the connection between you and the source of life has been short-circuited by erroneous thinking, feeling, acting, and believing.

There are experts in spiritual science who firmly believe that there is a scientific and spiritual way to achieve abundance, happiness, peace, success and harmony in life.

“This is a universe of law and order,” he said, “and there are principles and laws by which all of our experiences, conditions, and events take place. There is a definite law of cause and effect in everything. The science of getting rich is based on the law of belief. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (Mark 9:23)

“The law of life is the law of belief. To believe is to sincerely accept something as true. Believe in the abundant life, the happy life, the successful life, and live in the joyous expectancy of the best, and invariably the best will come to you. It is the belief of man that makes the difference between wealth and poverty, between success and failure, and between health and sickness.

“It is the cosmic law that like thoughts always produce like effects; therefore, any person who boldly claims the riches of the Infinite will receive them.”

The Bible says, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

We are all born rich in life-force. We grow rich in this life by tuning into our interests and desires. When we tune into the intelligence within, we are lifted up out of our lack, limitation, negativity, and scarcity.

There can be another way…

September 29, 2008

It can be another way.

I don’t think you came into this world to work day and night for small wages, to suffer ill health, and to be lonely. I don’t think you came here to lose, over and over again.

I think you came here because you have a dream.

And this dream represents the best version of you.

All around you are people fulfilling their dreams, but their numbers are small. It’s hard to meet them and draw inspiration from them.

Instead you are surrounded by those who do not have time for dreams and who are silent about what is buried in their hearts. They are afraid to speak and to know themselves.

And yet somehow-you know it can be another way.

Listen, here is what you must do.

First, you must craft a vision. It is your template for success.

Then you must educate yourself and learn what the new thing requires of you. You must study and practice in the still, small hours of the morning. You must persist past your own self-doubts and fatigue.

And this vision has to be planted upon the ground of your old reality, for the world will not move aside while you struggle to create anew.

You have to take your subconscious mind aside as you whisper to it the new version of you. It will resist. It likes the old. It likes the familiar. But if you persist, the inertia, the procrastination, the sudden, low moods with which it guards the old paradigm will begin to weaken and your messages of hope will take root in fertile soil.

Slowly, imperceptibly, things will change. Each day as you invent yourself anew while laboring with the old, you will move forward.

And one day, despite the outer and inner critics, you will prevail.

You will look upon riches and a life of ease, robust health, and an enduring relationship based on mutual affection and respect. You will do work that helps the world. You will act in a way that is pleasing to your soul.

Create a vision. Hold on to it. Study and practice. Overcome your hesitations. Things will change.

It can be another way.

All of us have needs and wants. The funny thing is that they arise no matter how hard you try to be self-sufficient. Life has a way of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it.

While you may ask, you may not always receive-even if you really need it and the other person has the power to give it to you without much personal loss.

However, there are two simple ways to receive what you want in life when you need it.

One way is to ask within, “ask and ye shall receive.” What you want will simply show up in your life.

The other way is to give freely and generously when you can.

Once you become a giver than your receiving is on autopilot. When you need something, it will show up in your life.

Here is an amusing anecdote. A friend of mine once gave shelter to a stray cat. Years later, he had room-mate problems and needed to find a place to stay. A friend gave him shelter in her home until he could sort out his affairs.

When you give, you set in motion the process of receiving. And when you give with love, simply because your heart is open, the receiving comes back multiplied, pressed over, and overflowing.

As another friend once said to me, “You can’t out give the universe.”

Sometimes, it may seem that neither of these ways of receiving work.

When this happens, the solution is to go within and remove the resistance. Simply sit down and ask, “Wherein am I resisting abundance?”

Hold the question in consciousness and an answer will appear. At some point, you chose the belief that you are not open to receiving. Once the thought emerges, make a new decision. “I now choose to receive. I am open to receiving.”

Once you have cleared the subconscious block, you have also cleared the way for your abundance to come to you.

The universe is always giving. It is, in fact, an abundant universe.

If you are not receiving, it is either because you are not aware of the two cosmic laws I have outlined or because you have a subconscious error that needs to be corrected.

In summary, then: Ask within and be open to receiving. Give generously and be open to receiving. And, if you’re not receiving, go within and remove those limiting thoughts that cause you to be living in lack.

The flow of life is based on giving and receiving, step into the flow by keeping your consciousness open to both ends.

What is the meaning of “charismatic”?

It means having a lot of presence and energy that exuded naturally from the person. A charismatic person immediately attracts audience attention the moment he or she walks up to the stage. Why is that so?

According to the universal law, for every action, there’s an equally opposite reaction. Anything can be an action, be it word, thought, or feeling. Our own energy comes together in these actions. The stronger the energies, the strong the reaction will be. So the more we give, the more is returned to us.

Maria Duval puts it that people with high energy will attract more opportunities to themselves than people with low energy. Hence high energy people are usually more successful…just think of your company’s boss. Do they take life for granted or being a couch potato most of the time? No, right? They put things to work as ideas come and they are perpetually in motion.

People that possess a lot of energy don’t wait for success to come to them; they pursue it with perseverance, determination and fortitude. They decide what they want and go after it; they don’t settle for what comes to them.

Maria Duval also rightly suggests we should give ourselves something to look forward to in order to maintain that fresh and uplifting energy each day. Be it solving a challenging work issue, planning a party for your kid, setting up a new garden, or planning for the next holiday trip. These are all positive influences which give us right impetus to look forward to. To keep that energy level flowing at high levels, we need to look forward to something.

Once you are constantly having to look forward to something and not appearing bored or soulless, you will naturally emit that x-factor called charisma. You will notice the difference around you.

Imagine how you feel when you first child is arriving, or you just make $5,000 in a business dealing. How will you feel? So to live life fully we should find ways of bringing more energy into your life if you want to have more energy, feel happier and be more successful.

That’s life suppose to be like, isn’t it?

A purpose driven life

July 22, 2008

Do you life a purpose driven life? Wait..maybe I shall explain what is the meaning of that in my own understanding. Feel free to give comments.

A common perception of purpose driven life is we set a life mission or slogan for ourselves and strive with determination towards our goals, and not caring what are in the path.
The purpose driven life is more than just the famous series of books. It is actually the mission that many of us miss or fail to understand. Many of us view the phrase as something akin to a life motto or a business slogan and we actually have visions of people with set determination in their faces, barrelling towards their goals, unmindful of everything in their path. This is only half right, or half wrong..

This is not about having a blind ambtion, but about finding the most important section of our lives and form a strong foundation based on it. Everything will just be built around this foundation. In the end, as you can see, it is more than just reaching out to your goal, but it essentially becomes the cornerstone of our very existence and the fulcrum in which we work and behave, to ourselves or to others.

As you look around, probably you will see many people who live happily and seemingly having a life with purpose. They seem to be doing better than you, and happier than you. Their lives seem so colorful compared to your own dull life chapters.

This is actually the problem of perception, which is common. By ‘doing fine’, these individuals don’t even know what sort of possibilities exist in their lives that they can actually benefit from. Maybe they themselves are ruing the missed opportunities or they are probably thinking you are having an exciting purpose driven life. That’s probably the greatest irony. Maria Duval says, everything you see is an image, and this image is just an illusion that results as your brain processes it.

To find your purpose driven life requires a lot of time of self discovery. It is a continual process to understand yourself. It is more than just setting yourself a mission as said. It is actually living the life and practicing the principles to actually enjoy and benefit from it.

One thing to be clarified is that you do not have to be a religious person to life a purpose driven life.
We can all reach our potentials by recognizing our self worth and working towards a goal without attaching ourselves to a belief system. Yeah, it’s right to say having an religious affiliation may help and as it brings more positive effects to some people like teamwork or peer support. Being a member of a religious group may help and it has shown to have positive effects on some people, but there’s no need to participate any group in order to live a purpose driven life.

So start to discover about yourself today. The best way? Ask your inner personal guide!

People always say words like “if I strike lottery this weekend and win $100,000”, “if only I was born in a rich family, or “if only I could have the ability to do that….then I’d be the happiest person in the world.”

Right, it’s true that with right mentalities and qualities. Maria Duva says that the Law of Attraction will shower you with rewards you richly deserve as long as you also share with the Universe your own resources and have a positive mindset to view the world. But, all of us need to put in our firm foundation to prepare for the arrival of these riches from Universe. Plan and assess what you can do to help yourself, rather than hoping or wishing that something external to you will change.

As we grow, we view events around us differently and we are also shaped by the environments around us. Due to this shaping or molding to fit in with what we see, we begin to lose touch with our own essence. Like a child being born in a violent family may grow up to be a violent person, firmly believing that violence is the only way to solve to problems, and the docile society just do not fit him or do not trust him. So he may begin to commit heinous crimes to justify his belief. No matter how, that violence will always be lurking in the background and comes out in anger, frustration or hurt from time to time.

The bottom line is that no matter what circumstance you’re born into, we all form an identity/ego so that we can function in the world.

A larger percentage of people than you’d think carry the childhood fears, doubts and uncertainty into their adult life, and this creates great pain when certain events or interactions trigger that insecurity.

Having said all this, if you consider for a moment what it takes to create a human, you’ll understand that each and every one of us is a miracle born with amazing abilities (that most of us take for granted of course).

And yet, equally with doubt, we find ourselves living in a period where most people in developed countries have more materials items and modern conveniences than in any other generation in the past and still there is disharmony. With the constant looking to the future to attain a certain goal combined with wanting everything now, it’s a recipe for unhappiness!

I believe that future is present….. Everything will be the same, except replicated in different circumstances. How you feel now is the same well you will feel in the future. If we want our future to be better, we HAVE to do something and take some steps to improve our situations now, if not, it will be the same as NOW five years or twenty years into the future. We always hope the future will be better, or simply tomorrow will be better, but do you know the being better is all within your own control? We have a destiny to choose and pursue, no matter what families you were born in.

To perceive future will be better is actually a positive state of mind I so strongly encourage you to adopt immediately.I really do not wish to hear anyone perceiving future as bad and then start to abuse themselves behaviorally. So, let us go out and find the key to the good news so that in the future you will still have this goodness with you!