Solar Plexus and firmer mid

November 17, 2008

To heal or harmonize your Solar Plexus Chakra, this will be a very good exercise for you to practise/ By doing so, your Solar Plexus chakra will strengthen,open, heal, and balance. As the name implies, this chakra is found in mid abdomen area. Having a harmonious solar plexus chakra will cultivate a strong character and willpower.

Here what you need to do:

1.) Start this practice by lying with face up.

2.) Shift your back of your palm to support your buttock area making sure the palms are touching the floor. This will support your lower back from aches.

3.) Now, elevate your feet to be roughly 6 inches Next, you should raise your feet about six inches on the air with your toes pointed forward.

4.) Next, lift up your head with off the floor. It could be tough here. Look at your raised toes now. There will be tension on your abdomen. Try to control this positive for 10 to 15 seconds and continue to do it for the next few minutes or so, depending on your physical conditions.

5.) While holding it, make sure you have consistent deep breathing through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

After a couple of weeks, you will find your stomach muscles are firmer and stronger. You will even have better diet and digestive system. More power and energy too. People will envy the firmness of your abdomen!

Your perspective of Solar Plexus Chakra will be improving too, even though it is invisible. With it is working harmoniously, you will be more discerning in life and able to look at events in life with balanced outlook.

Thoughts come in and out from our minds many many times in a day. Some of them are so fleeting that even we ourselves do not realize about these little thoughts. Some of those are repetitive like what we thought about the day previously.

Our minds are complicated piece of Creation. In other words we exist in a perpetual chatter in our minds. It is little wonder then that all our miseries and our pains we experience are created in the chatter that we keep repeating to ourselves.

Maria Duval on Meditation

Our society is a sea of noise most of the time. Our culture emphasizes a lot of making loud sound and noise, even a moment of silence would be seen as weird in some cases. There must be no silence or else it is not normal.

It is only in recent years that more and more people are starting to understand the bliss of having a moment of pure silence in their lives. Yes, Maria Duval has said that it is only in true silence that we can hear ourselves; and our little inner voice communicating with us.

Meditation is a very good method to listen to your silence and from beyond. There are also a myriad of indirect benefits of meditation, like stress reduction, cure of anxiety, and improvement of general well being. Spiritually, it makes us more discerning and intuitive, because the little inner voice inside us come to the fore when we meditate. I do my best to have a short meditation session everyday with the grand intention of making it habitual, like going to ladies or taking the meals.

Some people have this misconception that meditation is for Buddhists or monks. This is a very wrong idea. They do that because they know it is a proven way to improve their personal spirituality, and nothing to do with their belief. That means everyone can meditate without affecting your colorful lifestyle. Maria Duval suggests simply find a quite place that you can be undisturbed for about 15 mins and set this aside daily for your meditation. It might be a room in your house. A good time is either in the morning before work or in the evening before retiring to bed.

You can place a few cushions to make it more comfortable and sit down in your quite space. Simply close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose for a count of six and breathe out through your mouth for a count of six. Simply repeat this until you feel a sense of calm throughout your body and focus on relaxing.

Don’t worry to much about your thoughts, try initially to focus on your breathing. As you do this more and more begin to focus more on the breathing and try to empty your mind of thoughts.

The idea with meditation is to take time out of your daily routine for yourself.

Have fun with it.

Healing the Heart

September 15, 2008

Whether we endured a difficult childhood or experienced rejection from a hurtful lover, we all have emotional wounds in need of healing. As part of the preparation for magnetizing your soul mate you must now decide to actively begin healing the deepest wounds of your heart. Please note that I said to “begin” the healing process. For many of us this may be a lifelong process and it doesn’t mean you have to be fully healed to manifest your soul mate. In fact, one of the things a soul mate does is HELP you to heal your deepest wounds.

BUT . . . I believe you really do need to clear out the stuff that is KEEPING you from having your soul mate in your life. If the walls around your heart are ten feet thick and you are unaware that you are blocking love from entering you will be sending the Universe mixed messages. One part of you will be a giant YES to having a relationship while your wounded heart is unconsciously saying “No, I am afraid of being hurt again.”

Your job now is to uncover the wounds and begin the healing process so that you can send a clear signal that you are now ready for love.

Forgiveness is often a two-part process: first, it involves forgiving those that hurt you and second, it means forgiving yourself for all of the times you didn’t listen to your intuition, or made unfortunate choices, or any of the hundreds of other things we blame ourselves for.

In order to manifest your soul mate you really do need to clear the emotional and psychic clutter of your past. By not doing so you take the risk of attracting the same type of person you have failed with in the past. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. If you have emotional baggage around relationships, commit right now to working through it and begin laying the ground for a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life with your soul mate.

Author Bio:

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soul mate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soul mate at http://www.SoulMateKit.comM.

Beautiful Intuitions

September 3, 2008

People could be wondering how to improve the intuition level in this world that is emphasizing more about materialism and rational reasoning. Our intuition level could be diminishing.

I have provided some tips about this topic based on my own understanding.

Read on…

So what’s the point of having more intuitional than others?

First, intuition promotes better relations. This is so because intuition makes you more sensitive of the thoughts and feelings of other people thus you can be a better lover and how to put right messages across to your bosses.

Second, intuition improves creativity thus you can be better in arts, music and drama. These are the finer side of life that makes your life more complete and pleasant.

Lastly, intuition helps you find your true self that lies buried deep inside you. It goes deep inside you spiritually to clean your negative energies inside. You will be a better person to the world.

Here’re how you can improve intuition.

Be Positive
Stay positive and happy so that harmonious energies can come into your life. A happy person is more intuitive in my opinion because that attitude is receptive to good energies that include intuition.

Trust that all things come from a Higher Source
All things originate from a Higher Being that is omnipotent and Creator of the Universe. This is the Universe that gives you stars, planets, life and plants. It knows the best for you if you ask for it. Learn how to communicate to this source via prayers and you will get you answers through intuitions.

Cherish, or forget, that first impression
When you are meeting someone for the first time, learn to analyze the subtle feelings and emotions between you and the person, no matter a guy or a girl. Usually that is the time your intuition will speak. Learn to listen to it.

Meditation allows your stressful mind to calm down and sends thought energy to the Universe. It is a very spiritual process. A more peaceful mind will promote more intuitions.

Nowadays things are going so fast that we hardly have time to pause a bit and experience anything as they are.

With the technologies converging in, personal space is going to be at a premium, that could be the reason why we like to complain so much too.

I should say, take a break and enjoy to the sound of silence where we will find answers to what we wish to now.

Intuitively we develop knowledge if we just listen to the silence.

Knowledge that is beyond the normal means of intellectual reasoning can be called intuitive knowledge and the good thing is all of us have such gift but we do not know of its existence as we are too busy.

It is why you can catch it when there is silence and it will answer what you have to ask.

In the silence of our thoughts lies the answer to every question that we have, the solution to our every perceived problem.

It a way of mind discipline and the result of it is we gain intuitive knowledge.

We should know that by doing so, you will gain peace in your hear when we have realized it we see that everything that we do, everything that we are, is flow, from one moment to the next, in a seamless sequence.

The third eye chakra (located between the eye brows) is the energy center that shares the most intimate relationship with your psychic ability. This chakra is the gateway to improve your psychic ability. This is where you should truly focus your attention and energy.

Let me explain a little more. The third eye chakra has the ability to see beyond the obvious. Through it, we gain access to the realm of intuition and clairvoyance.

For someone with psychic ability, it only means that they are able to access the realm of intuition more readily than others. The more freely you are able to access this realm, the easier you are able to invoke your physic ability.

In other words, to improve or develop your psychic is all about accessing your intuition realm via your third eye chakra. The more freely you can access this realm, the better is you physic power.

Spiritual Direction

July 5, 2007

You are spiritual by nature which means that your inborn capacity to live within the meaning of human experience and participate in the development of consciousness is a process waiting to form over time. The depth, the extent to which this capacity forms, depends upon you. Spiritual illumination comes with honest effort — do not expect it to drop out of the sky or come in a special, hand-delivered envelope.

Where to start? The desire to grow in wisdom and understanding is a first step. At birth as you are trying to make sense of the everyday world, your spiritual awareness takes the opportunity to grow as meaning forms. Insight will evolve as you grow within a willingness to explore questions and change personal attitudes.

From your early days until the present, the ordinary world has offered endless opportunities to mature in a process of discovery leading to deeper insight into the mystery of Life. Because these experiences occur every day in the context of personal history, your interpretation of them plays a big part in the direction you take. Exploring the emotional history of your life can reveal the unresolved issues that might be delaying, distorting or misdirecting your natural desire to grow in Spirit. Problems, pain, human suffering of all kinds will strengthen your interior life if these are grounded in the attitude of personal accountability. Without honest self-evaluation, your spiritual path can seem to go around in circles.

You may choose a specific belief system within a religion to guide you, and you may rely upon your insight and personal experiences to deepen your spiritual journey. You may seek out life lessons found in literature, art, music, philosophy. There are many religions, many teachers, many spiritual disciplines to inspire, guide, inform your spiritual journey – all are vehicles to carry your process of developing awareness leading to your inner Wisdom. But finally the most important spiritual tools to take on you spiritual journey will be your attitude of interest, your openness to discovery, your willingness to discard fixed interpretations. These will allow you to choose the appropriate path as you direct yourself forward.

Trusting the emerging process of inner wisdom and its schedule for insight and inspiration was a 25 year project completed now as Our Journey to the Sky – A Guide to the process of Spiritual Formation. During this extended period, Mary K DeLurgio led hundreds of personal journal keeping, self exploration workshops and classes.

Losing your intuition

May 3, 2007

Our intuition is important because we need it in order to handle our lives successfully. The more we are in touch with our intuitive mind, the more we improve our ability to make the right decisions in life, to solve problems, to find and discover great possibilities, to create well-being and happiness, and much more.

Intuition will sometimes come as a distinct feeling that warns us away from situations that just don’t “feel” right. For example, danger – many people have described how an intuitive “feeling” has saved them from tragic accidents. And much more.

Why have most of us lose this precious spiritual gift?

Our society stresses much on rational thinking applicable to our lives and solving our problems. Children possess great intuition but as they go up and going through different stages of education, there is a gradual loss of confidence in our intuitive abilities and use them less and less the older we get, until finally, we’re all but completely cut off from them. Another main reason is that, we are faced with a lot of stress and fears in our life to the extent such that we even sacrifice our intuition through this inner fear.

Therefore, to rekindle that lost intuition, you need to remove that fear, meditate, do relaxation exercises like take walks in nature – or perhaps take a long warm bath. Also pay attention to your dreams and try to remember them and see if you can discover something new about yourself.