Great philosophers and thinkers of all ages are right to conclude that energy is making up this universe, be it the stars you see, the chair you sit or the computer you use. All of them vibrate and give out energies at different speed. It is through these vibrations that the state of the matter is based on.
Some appears solid because they are denser form of energy and thus move a little slower than liquids that are less dense and vibrates a little more faster giving them a fluid motion. Similarly, living objects are made up of energies, so do we humans.

That means we are all One and interlinked with each other, thus we are build of the materials then formed when stars exploded. What we perceive as another object has actually a connection to our being. There is actually Oneness of being.

I believe there is this situation when you vividly feel someone is staring at you for some time and then makes you uncomfortable then you turn over to check who is out there? Maria Duval thinks that there is a connection with this particular person, and this psychic phenomenon gets especially stronger when this person is someone you are familiar with. Which means when something fateful is happening, you can receive telepathic energy from this person and this actually makes you more anxious something is not right to this person now.

Great scientists Einstein once said:

Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.

-Albert Einstein

As for myself, there are numerous times when I just think of a friend out of the blue for nothing, and I wonder how he or she is coping now. The strangest is that, the next day, usually I’ll receive a ring from them.

Just yesterday morning, I was out for a Sunday breakfast and right another queue was the friend whom I was thinking a few days ago.

We were so surprised to see each other.

She greeted me first by saying, “Hi, I have been wondering how you are!”

And we sat down and had a good breakfast chat. We promised to stay in touch more often from now on.

There is Oneness.

Right now, Maria Duval has written that each human being is interconnected on a spiritual and consciousness level. What does Maria actually mean? In my own words, I feel there is a need still, be in myself or others to gain more insight into this new paradigm even though we hardly understand it, and this is an absolute reality. I have this paradigm because this is what my intuition tells me that we are all ONE. I’m very empathetic, often to the extent that it’s difficult to discern whether an emotion originates within myself or within someone that’s around me.

Let me use the example of the network I am linked to now – the Internet. Yes it is a truly revolutionary invention of mankind. If makes every human within touch of each other no matter where they are. If you disconnect a computer from the internet that capability is lost but the computer continues to exist apart from this connection. Each computer on its own won’t malfunction if it were detached from Internet and it continues to function on its own. Hence everyone is ONE and ONE is everything.

The reason I’m sharing personal views on this is because I believe that interconnectedness leads to the conclusion that everything is one. Honestly I don’t know much about this profound concept of oneness. To understand transcendental truth is to transcend this realm of existence I guess.

Language is not enough to deal with such topics, and each of our thoughts are closely linked to our own language. Oneness is just thought constructs which may be based on contact with higher entities.

I again admit i am very lacking in this area. Perhaps it is less apt when it is an imperfect human being communicating with another imperfect human being, but it seems like something we should keep in mind. These constructs are made solely so we can make sense of what we’ve uncovered and put it to use. That’s how we grow. Like a child that has to move on from educational toys to proper schooling, so too must we be flexible with the concepts we adopt.

By no means do I wish to say the all-is-one model of the universe is totally wrong and should be abandoned. As I’ve said, I believe we are interconnected, that at the very least we’re made of the same basic cosmic ingredients and that results in a method to gel and communicate in a greater capacity than we dared to dream. Oneness is, at the very least, a plausible explanation or outcome of this way of thinking.

In conclusion, I repeat that interconnectedness could be said to be a form of oneness and in anything you do or act, we are actually interacting with the larger Universe for the first time far beyond.