Divine World Awakens…

December 29, 2008

Awakening To the divine is a phenomenon that is sweeping across the globe awakening everyone one in it’s path. The presence of this wonderful energy is not for just a chosen few. Divine energy is for everyone on this earth. Divine energy has no preconception of race, creed or color. The divine energy is hear to flow through everyone all the same.

Divine energy has the power to awaken the believer and the skeptic as well. Once the divine awakening process starts you make a strong turn towards the light. Your life takes on a whole new meaning. That eventually turns into the prelude of the realization of who you truly are. You will be living in a higher vibration where joy, happiness and bliss are living. Your fears and worries will fade into the distance until eventually they will be gone. You will be living in the element of the divine.

The world is going through many changes preparing to except these higher vibrations, just as we are. People all over the world are awakening to the divine grace of oneness. People are beginning to feel and let go and allow the divine energy to flow with amazing changes taking place in there lives.

How will your life change when you begin to allow the divine energy to flow and you discover the true nature of this beautiful universe? How are you going to feel when the divine responds to all of your hearts desires?

Deeksha or divine energy is not a religion or some fad that will disappear, this energy is here to stay. The divine is here to help humanity go through this next evolution of human existence. We are living in a time that is going to be pure ecstasy. Despite all of the mayhem, environmental destruction, religious narrow-mindedness and political greed that has been plaguing this magnificent world for much of human history. The human race is preparing for the biggest evolutionary jump of all time. We have been getting clues from mystics and scientists for many years now.

Receiving and letting go of our restrictions to allow divine energy to flow is for us to prepare for this evolution that is upon us. We have been trying to tear down the wall of the mind that separates us from the divine since Eve ate the forbidden fruit. It is God or the divine, beginning to lift the veil for us to go through this evolutionary time to a higher consciousness. Divine energy is not only changing the world, it is changing lives.

About the Author

Bryan J. Johnson is a published poet and is currently in the process of writing his first book about techniques you can use to have a positive outlook about your life and to begin the process of manifesting the life you dream of. Bryan J. Johnson has studied metaphysics for over twenty years and understands the importance of thinking positive and that everyone has the power to manifest there dreams. http://www.amazingmindsnow.com

What is the meaning of “charismatic”?

It means having a lot of presence and energy that exuded naturally from the person. A charismatic person immediately attracts audience attention the moment he or she walks up to the stage. Why is that so?

According to the universal law, for every action, there’s an equally opposite reaction. Anything can be an action, be it word, thought, or feeling. Our own energy comes together in these actions. The stronger the energies, the strong the reaction will be. So the more we give, the more is returned to us.

Maria Duval puts it that people with high energy will attract more opportunities to themselves than people with low energy. Hence high energy people are usually more successful…just think of your company’s boss. Do they take life for granted or being a couch potato most of the time? No, right? They put things to work as ideas come and they are perpetually in motion.

People that possess a lot of energy don’t wait for success to come to them; they pursue it with perseverance, determination and fortitude. They decide what they want and go after it; they don’t settle for what comes to them.

Maria Duval also rightly suggests we should give ourselves something to look forward to in order to maintain that fresh and uplifting energy each day. Be it solving a challenging work issue, planning a party for your kid, setting up a new garden, or planning for the next holiday trip. These are all positive influences which give us right impetus to look forward to. To keep that energy level flowing at high levels, we need to look forward to something.

Once you are constantly having to look forward to something and not appearing bored or soulless, you will naturally emit that x-factor called charisma. You will notice the difference around you.

Imagine how you feel when you first child is arriving, or you just make $5,000 in a business dealing. How will you feel? So to live life fully we should find ways of bringing more energy into your life if you want to have more energy, feel happier and be more successful.

That’s life suppose to be like, isn’t it?

How to gather, store and circulate energy (qi, prana, life-force) and being aware of the vibratory nature of our body and mind, are central to any yoga or qigong practice. You may be asking how to achieve this spiritual state? To “acquire” more spiritual energy would imply the creation of a container, of boundaries.

One way is to learn to utilize the energy/intelligence of the pelvic floor, the “base” upon which our entire torso rests. The first step in doing this is simply to let our awareness circulate more freely in the lower belly, and to encourage an opening or widening of the skeletal and muscular structures of the pelvic floor.

Can we actually feel the muscles that flow between our two sitting bones? Can we actually feel the muscles that connect the pubic bone with the coccyx (tailbone)? Each of these sets of muscles is a diaphragm ~ similar in structure to the more well-known “diaphragm” located at the lower edge of our ribcage.

And in the same way that our thoracic (ribcage) diaphragm helps us to breathe more deeply, the diaphragms of the pelvic floor can help us to “breathe” energy: to draw life-force from the surrounding environment into the field of our bodymind. We can begin to activate this mechanism simply by imagining that we’re “breathing” through our sitting-bones (as though they were our “nostrils”).

Another way is to sit quietly in a room where you’re not likely to be disturbed, for the duration of the practice. Now look at one of the walls … and begin to imagine that you are yourself becoming a wall: feel the rigid, impenetrable quality of the wall, and allow those qualities to enter into the very cells of your body. Feel yourself becoming “wall-like” on all sides of your being: not letting anything in or out, hyper-vigilant, rigid, contracted. Maintain this state of being for ten minutes, or so.

Now, turn to face the door of the room. Let go of those qualities of “wall-ness,” and let yourself, instead, begin to adopt ~ into the very cells of your body ~ the qualities of a door. Feel within yourself the capacity to be open, fluid, completely relaxed about comings and goings … completely open to any and all phenomenon that appear within the field of your senses, the field of your experience as a human being. Be completely open. Maintain this state of being for twenty minutes, or so. Notice how you feel.

If we practice this for 60 days, we can become more & more comfortable remaining “open” to the experiences, to the flow of our lives. Also important (at the beginning stages of the practice, in particular) is to notice the choices we have along a whole spectrum (from 100% closed to 100% open) … and to become more & more adept at consciously choosing where we place ourselves, in a given situation, along this spectrum. To ask: what feels “safe” to me, and why? And to become more and more comfortable with this (and all!) paradox …