There can be another way…

September 29, 2008

It can be another way.

I don’t think you came into this world to work day and night for small wages, to suffer ill health, and to be lonely. I don’t think you came here to lose, over and over again.

I think you came here because you have a dream.

And this dream represents the best version of you.

All around you are people fulfilling their dreams, but their numbers are small. It’s hard to meet them and draw inspiration from them.

Instead you are surrounded by those who do not have time for dreams and who are silent about what is buried in their hearts. They are afraid to speak and to know themselves.

And yet somehow-you know it can be another way.

Listen, here is what you must do.

First, you must craft a vision. It is your template for success.

Then you must educate yourself and learn what the new thing requires of you. You must study and practice in the still, small hours of the morning. You must persist past your own self-doubts and fatigue.

And this vision has to be planted upon the ground of your old reality, for the world will not move aside while you struggle to create anew.

You have to take your subconscious mind aside as you whisper to it the new version of you. It will resist. It likes the old. It likes the familiar. But if you persist, the inertia, the procrastination, the sudden, low moods with which it guards the old paradigm will begin to weaken and your messages of hope will take root in fertile soil.

Slowly, imperceptibly, things will change. Each day as you invent yourself anew while laboring with the old, you will move forward.

And one day, despite the outer and inner critics, you will prevail.

You will look upon riches and a life of ease, robust health, and an enduring relationship based on mutual affection and respect. You will do work that helps the world. You will act in a way that is pleasing to your soul.

Create a vision. Hold on to it. Study and practice. Overcome your hesitations. Things will change.

It can be another way.

Have you been under too much stress lately? Or are constantly tired because of work and other commitments? Are you lethargic and need something to boost your energy? Then meditation is for you. Meditation describes a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness. It is the art of relaxing your mind by turning the attention inward to a single point of reference.

Meditation is one of the oldest arts of India. Hindu religion lays greatest stress on Meditation. According to scriptures Meditation is the path to achieve godhood. Now days many forms of meditation have developed, but the aim is common. In normal practice Meditation is used for many other advantages for body mainly for stress relief, and other medicinal benefits.

What Meditation does-

Meditation is a great to distress or relax. It helps improve concentration. It helps keep an altered state of awareness. It is the suspension of logical thought processes which helps relax the mind. It helps the mind to maintain its self-observing attitude. It helps a lot to get in touch with your mind and soul, which is a rejuvenating experience. It refreshes the mind and soul and keeps it healthy. It helps promote positivism in our mind and get rid of negative thoughts.

There are various methods of meditation. Yoga, prayer, vipasana, sufism, etc. Each of these forms helps to meditate. Meditation is best done in early the morning and in a quiet place. To gain the maximum benefits of meditation, it is best to do it consistently at the same time, everyday. This helps create a pattern and makes it easier to concentrate. Meditation helps keep the mind and soul young and healthy. It is a healthy practice that helps distress and relaxes. Select a peaceful place and begin Meditation. If you can perform it at a set time everyday that will be better.

By: CD Mohatta

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